Wir zeigen den Dokumentarfilm „A Better Road“ von unserem Kommilitonen Juan Aguilar in der Abteilung für Altamerikanistik (Oxfordstraße 15). Neben eindrücklichen Bildern wird auch Juan für eine anschließende Diskussion anwesend sein. Start ist um 20 Uhr. Kommt vorbei, es lohnt sich.
For centuries, Tibetan nomads have coped with all kinds of difficulties on the high grasslands of the former Tibetan Kham province. Now they are facing a completely new challenge: modern education. The nomads all agree that their children have to attend school, that they deserve a better education than they themselves could have, that they need a modern education to come to terms in our changing world. But can traditional nomad lifestyle go together with modern education? What happens to nomad families who move to town for the sake of the children’s education? Can there be an alternative to abandoning nomad lifestyle?
Den Trailer gibt es hier.